July 25, 2008

3 Points of interaction - Tamoko and I

OL Networking

Of the 112 students that i have visited i have encountered one that is most personal to my own blog. Tom mayo who also expresses about maori and aspects of the culture.

I had lkeft him a comment in maori about his work with flax and how this is like my own.

"Sup haha I'm good ay Kei te pehea? koe? Your work kia pai mai! :D Maori Language week huh."
-Tom Mayo http://tommayo.blogspot.com/

Another person who also hits things on a more personal note being eve byers who expresses her understanding of our hometown and how it is important to know where you are from.

"Awesome blog aye! Thanks for commenting on mine =] Love the part about where you come from, And what NOT to do. Wanganui REPRESENTY!"
-Eve Byers http://evebyers112.blogspot.com/

Matt Woods also commented about my watercolour painting calling it 'a unique style!'
-Matt Woods http://woodsmatt.blogspot.com/

How to make a flax flower

July 24, 2008

Project 3_101

Left: Cosmo McMurty watercolour used for project 3 of 101

I chose project 3 of 101 to talk about what I had learnt about doing this project.
The precedent Maori artist Micheal Parekowhai helped me to learn things about the Maori influence on art.
Parekowhai’s work is influenced by the inter-cultural conflicts that Maori face with Pakeha.
For example he addresses the idea that the Maori culture is a sold identity.
The idea of Maoridom in a diverse hidden concept has made me grow in how I want others to perceive my own ideas. This idea has helped towards my own work ethics and helped me to learn where my own position is, with my own work or any others work I may judge.
Roebuck Jones and the Cuniculus Kid  2001
Roebuck Jones and the Cuniculus Kid 2001 Cosmo McMurtry 2006